Residential and commercial building - Središće
About the Project
A new residential and commercial building was built in Središće city block in Zagreb. To guarantee the safety of users, it is necessary to fulfill current high fire protection standards.
By insight into our work thus far, and the quality over many years, the principal contractors (FEAL IN d.o.o. and TERRAPLANT d.o.o.) authorized FSB Ltd. to execute passive fire protection in the mentioned facility. The fire protection requirement on underground floors is 120 minutes, and 90 minutes on the floors above the level of the terrain.
These requirements were classified according to standards HRN EN 13501-2 and HRN EN 13501-3. Taking into account specified project tasks, the works of fire resistant sealing of all types of installations, fire resistant sealing of expansion joints, fire resistant cladding of ventilation ducts, fire resistant drop ceiling, and non-load-bearing partition on the elevator shaft reveal were realized in the building.
Performed works
- Fire resistant sealing of all types of installations
- Fire resistant sealing of expansion joints at the border of fire compartments
- Fire resistant cladding of ventilation ducts
- Fire resistant non-load-bearing partition on the elevator shaft reveal
- Fire resistant drop ceiling